M.J. Emonds is a featured Trane dealer in the Hartford area. Some customers ask why we are such avid supporters of Trane. Trane makes America’s most reliable HVAC System with more than 120 years of experience in the business. They build products that are efficient to operate, work when they’re supposed to, last for a long time and create the ideal home or commercial environment. Here is a collection of some of our favorite products.

Trane TruComfort™ Variable Speed Systems
Variable speed is not new technology for Trane. It’s technology perfected. Trane was the first in the industry to apply variable speed technology to residential air conditioning. Now Trane brings variable speed technology to the next level, with a system that intuitively adjusts to changing heating and cooling needs, working only as hard as it has to and often at lower, more efficient and quieter speeds.
Trane 80 Gas Furnaces
Every Trane 80 furnace delivers an AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) of up to 80%, exceeding government standards for new furnace efficiency. That means a full 80% of the fuel you pay for is converted into heat you can use. If your current furnace is 15 or more years old, replacing it with a Trane 80 furnace is a smart investment not only in your energy use, but also in your comfort.

Trane Heat Pumps
At the heart of every Trane heat pump, you’ll find a Climatuff® compressor that’s been tested in some of the most brutal conditions on earth. Because that’s what it takes to be a Trane. All Trane heat pumps have a 10 year registered limited warranty on the outdoor coil and all other internal functional parts (residential use). The XV and XL units have a 12 year registered limited warranty on the compressor, while the XR units have a 10 year registered limited warranty on the compressor.